This list is provided by Georgia Public Library Service.
Visit the
GPLS CE Calendar for the latest and greatest in library continuing education.
Some selections include:
Tuesday, July 7 (12–1 PM)
Service Animals in Libraries: Developing Best Practices Protocol for Multiple Service Points (Washington State Library)
Responding to patron concerns about an animal in the library can be a difficult scenario for library professionals. But what if the animal in question is a service animal? How do library professionals best respond to patron concerns while respecting the rights of an individual with a disability and their service animal? This webinar will provide an overview of how Western Washington University Libraries developed a Best Practices document for its personnel in order to consistently address concerns about service animals
, including tailored recommendations for specific service points. Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will have new knowledge, and some resources, to begin this conversation within their own library.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Wednesday, July 8 (11 AM–12 PM)
Managing the Device Deluge - Training and Supporting Staff (Nebraska Library Commission)
Librarians have always taught the public how to use the tools that serve their information needs, but now there's an ever-changing variety of personal devices that patrons use to access our services. How do front-line staff with self-taught or very basic knowledge of technology stay savvy about the latest and hottest gadgets? How do we train non-technical staff to effectively troubleshoot and train our patrons on using their own gadgets? By discussing her recent Library Journal article, Jennifer Koerber will offer suggestions and resources to train and support your library staff.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Thursday, July 9 (2–3 PM)
No Job Seeker Left Behind: Library Services to Meet Their Needs (WebJunction)
Every day, libraries around the country are filled with people seeking help with jobs and careers. How do library staff find time and resources to assist them all? Learn a variety of practical ways to deliver career development services in your library from two certified ALA Career Development Facilitators. They have
strategies and resources to help you cover the spectrum from a quick "on the fly" toolbox of forms and templates to ideas for one-time classes, workshop series, and even one-on-one personalized career sessions for patrons. You really can support those job-seekers!
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Wednesday, July 15 (2–3 PM)
Legislative Roundup for Georgia Libraries, presented by State Librarian Julie Walker
The Georgia General Assembly has a big impact on libraries in our state. This webinar will be a review of the 2015 legislative session, which included funding for six public library construction projects. State Librarian Julie Walker will discuss the legislative issues that affect libraries today, and what to keep an eye on next year's session. This webinar is presented by the Georgia Public Library Service.
Register: 2959e20c48
Wednesday, July 15 (4–5 PM)
STEMing up your Library's Digital Collection (EdWeb)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...Oh My! Working at an elementary STEM campus is already out of this world - add an iPad for every student to that equation and you've got one STEMtastic outcome. In this webinar, Library Media Specialist Tina Berumen will share with school librarians how she created a major eBook frenzy on her campus and implemented a completely digital library orientation. Find out how she is able to manage all of her school’s digital content under a single login system to keep her scholars accessing information safely, 24/7 from their own device. Whether you're a STEM librarian, or a librarian looking to infuse STEM into your library programming, you're sure to gain some great tips to start the upcoming school year off with a bang! Tina will field questions from attendees during this live, interactive event.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Thursday, July 16 (11 AM–12 PM)
Introduction to FDsys (Federal Depository Library Program)
During this introductory course, attendees will learn how to navigate FDsys to locate Federal Government information, basic and advanced searching, browsing, retrieving by citation, help tools, and working with FDsys search results.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: events-calendar/event/113-webinars-on-gpo-s-federal-digital-system-fdsys-introduction-to-fdsys
Wednesday, July 29 (2–3 PM)
Open Educational Resources: Librarians as Advocates, Advisors, and Creators (Georgia Library Association)
College textbooks have gotten so expensive that many students are opting not to buy the textbook at all, but are taking their chances at lower grades or resorting to work-arounds like sharing textbooks, photocopying from classmates, or finding illegal copies. An increasing number of educators are seeking alternatives to traditional texts, including open educational resources (OERs) and library resources. This webinar will introduce you to what OERs are (and aren’t) and how librarians can support this movement as advocates, advisors, and participants in creating OERs.
For more information and to register for this program: